Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hi, Jammers..

Please read what Snowyclaw has to saw, first of all:

I've gotten some wonderful submissions to the weekly mystery, hopefully this can be a new AJS tradition. ^.^ Now, most of you were on the right track, but I don't think anyone had the complete story. 
I believe the stones are Spirit Stones. For those of you who don't recall, spirit stones are what gives life to animals of Jamaa. Liza, the Panda shaman, is responsible for the discovery of these stones in far off lands, beyond Jamaa's borders.
Snippet of an old Jamaa Journal.
More recently, in the release of the croc (August 2011), Spirit Stones were mentioned quite briefly in the Journal.
Sadly the most recently released animals, the horses and the penguins, mark the disappearance of the Spirit Stones.

Not to mention the loss of our named shamans.
As you can see, Jamaasian Lore used to be a large part of Jamaa. I suspect AJHQ has decided to let the ancient stories slowly fade away, leaving nothing left but stones and statues. If this goes on, Mira will be nothing but a statue in Jamaa Township.

Do you want Jamaa to once again become more than a simple game, but a world of imagination? Would you like to meet shamans and learn their true names? Should the full story of Mira and Zios be heard? I say, we must convince AJHQ that we want Jamaa back, the real Jamaa. That we are not just jammers, we are Jamaasians, animals that remember. Who's with me?!

Back to my hand, AJ is losing its shamans and its spirit stones. Listen here: I need Jammers of all ages, shapes, and sizes to gather your friends, and your enimes, and people you don't know to all gather and dance around the fire, or Mira may disappear!
Details for mine below.
Mira saving party details:

Date:Tuesday, May 1 2012

Time:6:55 AM 7:30 AM CST


Land: Sarpea forest at the fire

Please Jammers, dance with me!!

I will be Sleeping Desertbug, the Phantom tiger.

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